
NEUROSIS: "Beyond the Pale" auf dem ROADBURN FESTIVAL 2009

Auf dem vom 23. bis 26. April 2009 in Tilburg stattfindendem ROADBURN FESTIVAL, werden NEUROSIS am 25. April 2009 ein spezielles Event namens "Beyond the Pale" veranstalten, mit ihnen als Headliner und 15 von der Band persönlich eingeladenen Bands.

Auf dem vom 23. bis 26. April 2009 in Tilburg stattfindendem ROADBURN FESTIVAL, werden NEUROSIS am 25. April 2009 ein spezielles Event namens Beyond the Pale veranstalten, mit ihnen als Headliner und 15 von der Band persönlich eingeladenen Bands. Steve von Till und Scott Kelly dieser Veranstaltung:

The mission of Beyond the Pale is for us to honor the spirit and power of sound with people that we feel are kindred spirits. We want to bring together a diverse group of people who push the envelope, are truly original, and have that unspeakable fire and inspiration flowing through their art. – Steve Von Till.

In our 23 years of existence we have had very few experiences that felt as right as our initial performance at Roadburn in 2007. Roadburn is a unique experience in the often disappointing and disingenuous world of music, it is a festival organized and run by people with a true passion and dedication to sound.

In the spirit of this commitment we are proud to announce that the day of April 25, 2009 at Roadburn will be a rekindling of ´Beyond The Pale. We will be performing as well as curating the entire days events. – Scott Kelly.

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