
DEVOURMENT: Wayne Knupp ist tot

Der frühere DEVOURMENT-Fronter Wayne Knupp hat im Alter von 31 Jahren den Kampf gegen seine Krankheit verloren. Folgenden Abschiedsgruß haben die amerikanischen Brutal Death Metaller veröffentlicht: "It saddens me right down to my soul that this message ever had to be written. We lost a dear friend and huge vocal inspiration. Even though he was no longer a member of DEVOURMENT, his spirit and name was, and will always be synonymous with this band. Wayne truly had some things in life thrown at him that would rip the heart right out of me, yet he always looked at the brighter side of things, and did his very best to be positive and focus on the one thing in life that made him truly happy and never turned its back on him… and that was music. Just as things started looking up for him, life yet again, took it from him. All of the members of DEVOURMENT are truly hurt by this and we can´t thank you enough for all the support you fans, and fellow metal bands have given us through this tough time. Raise your next beer and bang your head fro Wayne one last time, it´s all he would have wanted."

Der frühere DEVOURMENT-Fronter Wayne Knupp hat im Alter von 31 Jahren den Kampf gegen seine Krankheit verloren. Folgenden Abschiedsgruß haben die amerikanischen Brutal Death Metaller veröffentlicht:
It saddens me right down to my soul that this message ever had to be written. We lost a dear friend and huge vocal inspiration. Even though he was no longer a member of DEVOURMENT, his spirit and name was, and will always be synonymous with this band. Wayne truly had some things in life thrown at him that would rip the heart right out of me, yet he always looked at the brighter side of things, and did his very best to be positive and focus on the one thing in life that made him truly happy and never turned its back on him… and that was music. Just as things started looking up for him, life yet again, took it from him. All of the members of DEVOURMENT are truly hurt by this and we can´t thank you enough for all the support you fans, and fellow metal bands have given us through this tough time. Raise your next beer and bang your head fro Wayne one last time, it´s all he would have wanted.

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