teilen auf ihrer offiziellen Bandhomepage mit, dass Sänger Gaahl und
Bassist King künftig ohne Gitarrist Infernus weitermachen wollen. Die beiden werden die geplante Tour im November unter dem Namen GORGOROTH spielen.
Infernus hat angekündigt, dass er vor Gericht klären lassen will, wer die Rechte am Bandnamen hält. Das Statement im Originalwortlaut:
Gorgoroth Part Ways, European Tour Goes as planned
Gaahl, King and Infernus have decided to part ways. Gorgoroth have existed as a three-piece for the past several years but have ceased from
this moment on in this incarnation.
Vocalist Gaahl (lyrics) and King (bassist/composer) will continue the
scheduled European tour in November under the name Gorgoroth with a replacement for Infernus.
King and Gaahl will continue to work together musically, performing their art live and recording in the future. This decision was reached by Gaahl and King as they have been the driving force behind Gorgoroth´s
music for the past 8 years.
Infernus has stated he will take King and Gaahl to court over future use
of the name Gorgoroth.
(Quelle: http://www.gorgoroth.org/)