Die Progressive-Metal-Band HAKEN steht ohne Bassist da -Tom Maclean hat die Band verlassen. Hauptgrund für seinen Ausstieg ist, dass er nicht bereit ist, mit der Band auf Tour zu gehen.
Anstehende Konzerte spielen HAKEN nun mit einem Special Guest, um wen es sich dabei handelte, ist nochnicht bekannt. Für die Zukunft soll ein neues festes Bandmitglied gesucht werden.
Tom Macleans Statement zum Ausstieg:
Ladies and gentlemen,
There is no simple way to rationalise why I have made the decision to leave Haken. I enjoy the creative process and the music we´ve written, I love playing and performing with the band, and I love my bandmates. I had really hoped to be around for a little while longer and I am somewhat surprised to be sitting here right now typing out this statement, so soon after The Mountain was released. And yet for some time I´ve been aware that things haven´t felt quite right. That, try as I might to be happy and content with my lot, this isn´t what I´m supposed to be doing with my life, and that there are other things I need to turn my focus to in order to achieve that nebulous and quasi-mythical state of ´fulfilment´. This has resulted in me becoming a cog that is struggling to turn with the rest of the machine. Put simply, when asked if I was prepared to commit wholeheartedly to a busy touring schedule for 2014, my immediate gut reaction was No, I don´t want to do this anymore. Time to get off. Again, there is no simple reason why I feel this way, but I can only acknowledge the fact that my heart is not 100% in it, and it´s time to accept that I need to drop things in order to follow my heart, wherever that will lead me.
I´d like to take this opportunity to thank Charlie, Diego, Ray, Rich and Ross for their endless support and encouragement, through good times and bad. It´s been an honour and a pleasure to work with them over the past 6 years. Finally, a big thank you to all the fans who have expressed their appreciation of my work. I tried my best. I will miss you all.
Now it´s time for some new adventures. Till we meet again!
Love and respect,