Die Aufnahmen zum DIMENSION INFINITE-Debüt sind nach wie vor in vollem Gange und von den Gitarrensoli abgesehen, haben die Drover-Brüder (EIDOLON) ihre Parts komplett eingespielt und die Masters den PAGAN´S MIND-Musikern nach Norwegen geschickt. Nachdem Nils, Steinar und Ronni ihre Teile zu den Aufnahmen beigetragen haben, wird das Master wieder nach Toronto wandern, wo die Soli eingespielt werden und das Mixing stattfindet.

Die Aufnahmen zum DIMENSION INFINITE-Debüt sind nach wie vor in vollem Gange und von den Gitarrensoli abgesehen, haben die Drover-Brüder (EIDOLON) ihre Parts komplett eingespielt und die Masters den PAGAN´S MIND-Musikern nach Norwegen geschickt. Nachdem Nils, Steinar und Ronni ihre Teile zu den Aufnahmen beigetragen haben, wird das Master wieder nach Toronto wandern, wo die Soli eingespielt werden und das Mixing stattfindet.

Hier das Original-Statement von Schlagzeuger Shawn Drover:

At the moment, all drums and guitars are finished, except for guitar solo´s, which Glen ( guitarist ) usually saves for after everybody else finishes their recorded parts. We sent the masters over to Nils K. Rue ( singer ) in Norway, so that he, Steinar and Ronni can now begin to record their parts for the record. I have talked to Nils on the telephone after he received the masters, and he seems quite excited and expressed that he really liked the music as well!!!!!! you have to remember that until Nils received the masters, nobody has heard this new music apart from Glen and myself – they really did not know what to expect other than brief description´s of the songs that we told them, which is quite a unique situation, if you ask me – all of us are very excited to make this record the best it can be. I can tell you now that it will NOT be sounding exactly like either Eidolon or Pagans Mind – I think this would be quite boring, actually. Of course, there may be certain parts that may sound a bit like either band, but we are trying hard to make this record stand on its own, which I really believe will happen!!!!!!! Once the Pagan´s record all of their parts, we will then mix the record in Toronto, Canada, at Glen´s recording studio ( Eclipse Recording ) sometime later this year. We are all excited about this band and our 1st record, believe me!!!!!!!

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