ENSLAVED: Letztes Album mit Dirge Rep im März

Das neue ENSLAVED-Album wird den Titel “Below the Lights” tragen und soll Mitte des Monats im Kasten sein. Erscheinen wird die neue Scheibe am 03. März. Die Band ist stolz darauf, ein Album eingespielt zu haben, mit dem sie ihren Stil weiter ausgekundschaftet hat und gleichzeitig dunkler geworden ist. Nach den Aufnahmen wird Schlagzeuger Dirge Rep die Band aus persönlichen Gründen verlassen, da er nach eigener Aussage schlicht ausgebrannt ist.

Das neue ENSLAVED-Album wird den Titel “Below the Lights” tragen und soll Mitte des Monats im Kasten sein. Erscheinen wird die neue Scheibe am 03. März. Die Band ist stolz darauf, ein Album eingespielt zu haben, mit dem sie ihren Stil weiter ausgekundschaftet hat und gleichzeitig dunkler geworden ist. Nach den Aufnahmen wird Schlagzeuger Dirge Rep die Band aus persönlichen Gründen verlassen, da er nach eigener Aussage schlicht ausgebrannt ist.

Hier das ausführliche Statement der Band zu “Below the Lights”:

The album speaks for it self, but again we are proud to say we have gone further down the road of exploration. And on the other hand it is darker and contains more references to the early days of Enslaved in the sense of more ambience and structure to the songs. The progressive and experimental elements are still there, more raffined and subtle that ever. You will also find pieces of traditional Northern music, this time more incorporated in the ENSLAVED core material.

Melodic elements and complex harmonics is also a prominent feature on “Below the Lights”. After returning from the UK in March this year (02) we all realized that R. Kronheims days in the band had come to an end. Extremely unhealthy and unsociable habits combined with strong personalities and different musical tastes on both sides made it impossible to continue. But hey! That didn’t stop us, and with the added force of lead guitarist A. Isdal, we went on to make “Below the Lights”. The quality of the arrangements and the level of musicianship should prove that the core of Enslaved more than survived the changes.

The coverart is once again under the brush of Truls Espedahl (who also made the artwork for “Monumension”). This time the artwork will follow the music and lyrics even closer, and a surreal, dark and magnificent piece of art will meet you in the shops 03.03.03.

After the finishing of the album, Dirge Rep decided to leave the band. The reason is quite simple; he is burned out according to himself. No point in arguing with that. Goodbye and thanx for the drumwork, brother-in-arms! We have a replacement for live and studio sessions in Freddy B., the drummer some of you might remember from the UK tour in March 2002 when Dirge sat at home with a broken foot!

Ps. Watch out for the live-DVD “Live Retaliation” to be released through MetalMind Productions. Order it or read about it at our webpage www.enslaved.no . Take note that www.enslavedunion.com will be removed and has been replaced by www.enslaved.no

See you on tour and remember to play “Below the Lights” at extreme volume levels. For even better results, try altered states of conciousness (knock yourself over the head, do yoga-jumping or stay awake for two weeks without food before you check out the album). If it doesn’t fuck you up, we’ll give you (fake monopoly) money back.

Thanx for your attention and for bringing us this far and further!

Ivar B.”


1. The Crossing

2 . Havenles

3. A Darker Place

4. Queen of Night

5. A Dead Stare

6. As Fire Swept Clean the Earth

7. Ridicule Swarm

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