
DEATH TRIBE: Extreme Metal Single „Thawra“ aus Libanon als Spendenaufruf für Beirut

Die Extreme Metal-Band DEATH TRIBE hat mit „Thawra“ eine neue Single mitsamt Video-Clip veröffentlicht. Die Single folgt dem Debütalbum „Beyond Pain and Pleasure: A Desert Experiment“ (2019) des libanesischen Solo-Projekts von Anthony Kaoteon (KAOTEON) nach.

Mit „Thawra“ will der Künstler auf die humanitäre Katastrophe in Beirut nach der Hafenexplosion aufmerksam machen und Spenden für das libanesische Rote Kreuz sammeln. Interessenten können die Single unter kaufen bzw. dort auch Geld spenden.

„After the enormous devastating explosion that destroyed Beirut with its 12 sq kms radius, a feeling of helplessness took over me“, erklärt Anthony Kaoteon. „The explosion resulted in 220+ dead victims, more than 7,000 injured and 300,000+ people homeless. My mother who was just 1 kilometre away from the blast told me: “I am tired, I don’t want this shitty life anymore”. Lebanon was already in revolution against the warlords who are paralyzing its economy since the 1980s. The same political regime keeps dragging the country into a new war, a new crisis, and this blast was the knockout. Every Lebanese lost 85% of their hard earned savings earlier this year and now we need at least $15 billion to rebuild the city and our only port. I don’t know how we will come back from this. The people are resilient but the trauma is massive. If this was a Hollywood movie, they would ask the director to tone it down as it is unbelievable. This song ‘Thawra’ is for all those who died, the injured, the rebels, the ones that had enough, the ones that cannot take this filthy oxygen anymore and want to lead a normal peaceful life in one of the most beautiful lands on the Mediterranean with its beaches and snow peaks. Enough is enough, let go of all religions, let go of your Lebanon, let the people unite and agree on one Lebanon. Lebanon that spreads peace, love, freedom of speech and expression, the Lebanon we preach about as immigrants, the diverse, the modern, the open minded, the LGBTQ++, the all races, the clash of cultures, religions and civilizations. The Lebanon that is not fragmented into pieces and each fragment is deeming itself a nation. The one Lebanon. I hope this track will release some steam, help metalheads express their anger and be the voice for the voiceless.”

An der Realisierung des Songs waren neben dem Komponist und Sänger Anthony Kaoteon noch Violonist Chris Baum (BENT KNEE), Drummer Baard Kolstad (LEPROUS, RENDEZVOUS POINT) und Bassist Linus Klausenitzer (OBSIDIOUS, ALKALOID, Ex-OBSCURA). Gemixt und gemastert wurde die Single von Tue Madsen.

DEATH TRIBE „Thawra“ (Video bei YouTube)


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