COHEED AND CAMBRIA: Drummer steigt aus

COHEED AND CAMBRIA haben sich von ihrem Schlagzeuger Chris Pennie getrennt. Als Grund für diesen Schritt nennt die Band kreative Differenzen. Ein Statement von Chris Pennie lest ihr hier: "I am very thankful for the years that I shared the stage with the guys and want to thank the amazing, supportive fans that I´ve met while on tour, but there are a lot of exciting projects on the horizon, in addition to RETURN TO EARTH and FIGHT MANNEQUINS, that I feel require my absolute 100 percent commitment and attention. I feel that this is the right time to make that happen."

COHEED AND CAMBRIA haben sich von ihrem Schlagzeuger Chris Pennie getrennt. Als Grund für diesen Schritt nennt die Band kreative Differenzen. Ein Statement von Chris Pennie lest ihr hier:

I am very thankful for the years that I shared the stage with the guys and want to thank the amazing, supportive fans that I´ve met while on tour, but there are a lot of exciting projects on the horizon, in addition to RETURN TO EARTH and FIGHT MANNEQUINS, that I feel require my absolute 100 percent commitment and attention. I feel that this is the right time to make that happen.

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