Die Death / Thrash Metal-Band REVOCATION hat mit Ash Pearson einen neuen Mann fürs Schlagzeug gefunden, nachdem sich der langjährige Drummer der Band, Phil Dubois-Coyne, anderen Projekten widmen wollte. Ash Pearson war acht Jahre land bei 3 INCHES OF BLOOD aktiv, ehe sich die Band vor Kurzem aufgelöst hat.
Statement von REVOCATION-Gitarrist und Sänger David Davidson:
We´re very stoked to announce that Ash Pearson is our new drummer! Many of you might already be familiar with his drum skills in 3 INCHES OF BLOOD but for those of you who are unaware of his talents let us assure you that he absolutely KILLS behind the kit! We´re looking forward to starting this new chapter of REVOCATION with Ash on board and can´t wait for everyone to see him in action.
Statement von REVOCATION-Schlagzeuger Ash Pearson:
I am very honoured to be joining REVOCATION. Phil (Dubois-Coyne – Anm. d. Red.) is a good friend of mine and I feel privileged to have his blessing and to be his successor. I take seriously the challenge to keep the caliber of this band high and look forward to continuing the legacy of REVOCATION.