IMAGIKA: Sänger steigt aus/Namensänderung

IMAGIKA-Frontmann David Michael hat die Band verlassen und dies ist auch der Grund, warum die restlichen Mitglieder den Namen ändern werden. Lest im Anhang an diese News das Statement der Band.

IMAGIKA-Frontmann David Michael hat die Band verlassen und dies ist auch der Grund, warum die restlichen Mitglieder den Namen ändern werden.

Lest im Anhang an diese News das Statement der Band.

Ok right to it then. Vocalist David Michael has left the band. His heart wasn’t in it any more so it’s time to move on. His reason was lengthy, but the bottom line was he just couldn’t bear to continue with Imagika. We will rename the band and find a new vocalist to complete the new CD we started in June with Neil Kernon. All the music is recorded and sounds killer so no tears! Why rename the band? Well out of respect to Dave and the fans it seems like the right thing to do. It can’t be Imagika without Dave since he was one of the founding members of the band and co-writer of just about every tune we ever recorded. Plus the new material will be different with a new singer so why beat a dead horse? The existing band will carry on adding some new elements and hopefully a killer new vocalist. We’ll keep this site updated as soon as we pick a new moniker and have any more details to divulge. Thanx to all our supporters from the past, present and future! You know who you are! We refuse to die!


Steve, Henry, Elena

Anyone interested in the vocalist slot should contact us at or mail info/demos to P.O. Box 41 New Almaden, Ca. 95042 We’ll consider all candidates, but right up front you have to be able to sing! No DM/BM vocals please.

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