ENDTHISDAY: Aufgelöst!

Die Amis END THIS DAY haben sich aufgelöst. Das offizielle Statement zum Split gibt es hier:

Die Amis ENDTHISDAY haben sich aufgelöst. das offizielle Statement zum Split gibt es hier:

“It’s sad to face, but we are breaking up. It was time for a couple members in Endthisday to move on and devote their attention more to other aspects of their lives, and we all respect their decision. We’re pretty sad about it, but we know the time has come. Everyone is 100% on good terms with each other and will wholeheartedly support each others futures. Above all, we’d like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout our existence. We couldn’t have done anything without your help. Lifeforce Records, all of the bands that we’ve played with, all of our friends, everyone that we’ve met as a result of this band, anyone who ever heard us and gave us the time of day… you mean the world to us. So, to all of those people, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

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