DUNGEON: Gitarrist und Bassist gehen

Gitarrist Stuart Marshall und Bassist Glenn Williams werden die australischen Power Metaller DUNGEON verlassen. Es soll noch ein Album unter dem Namen DUNGEON geben, danach wird Bandleader Lord Tim sich auf seine Solo-Combo LORD konzentrieren und bei Livegigs zahlreiche DUNGEON-Songs berücksichtigen. Statements der von Stuart und Glenn findet ihr im Anhang an diese News. Eine ausführliche Erklärung von Lord Tim gibt es auf der Bandhomepage.

Gitarrist Stuart Marshall und Bassist Glenn Williams werden die australischen Power Metaller DUNGEON verlassen. Es soll noch ein Album unter dem Namen DUNGEON geben, danach wird Bandleader Lord Tim sich auf seine Solo-Combo LORD konzentrieren und bei Livegigs zahlreiche DUNGEON-Songs berücksichtigen. Statements der von Stuart und Glenn findet ihr im Anhang an diese News. Eine ausführliche Erklärung von Lord Tim gibt es auf der Bandhomepage.

Hey guys,

Well, I am letting everyone know I am leaving Dungeon.

The last 4 years have been great with some killer experiences, but I am at a stage where I am not finding what I want from Dungeon anymore.

I phoned LT the other day and let him know, we talked for a while and then both agreed it’s time for me to move on. I have been sitting with this feeling since the return from the OS trip and have many reasons why I am leaving.

I am not one to carry on with long-winded letters but suffice to say that I am looking for other things that I can’t see happening in Dungeon in the future. Feel free to draw your own conclusions on this or ask me personally and I’ll be happy to tell you. It’s not all doom and gloom.

Firstly, thanks to everyone who has ever enjoyed Dungeon’s live show or CDs – It’s the only reason I have ever done this. The past guys I have worked with, I throw a thanks to you as well.

I’ll be looking for another band so you will see me around and I have something pretty exciting coming up in a few months, so this isn’t the retirement speech, just time to move on.

I really hope I’ll be welcome to visit the forum and stay in contact with everyone in the future. I am proud of my time here and feel I have contributed in a positive way to Dungeon.

Please enjoy the next few shows.

Take care and I hope to see everyone soon


Hi guys,

After much deliberation I have come to the decision to leave Dungeon. This was not an easy decision to make as I love being in Dungeon and it has been a real honour for me to work with three guys of such a high calibre.

I would like to thank LT, Stu and Tim for giving me the opportunity of working with them and also for their friendship, I could not have asked for a better bunch of guys to work with 🙂

A big thank you to all the fans who have supported me since joining Dungeon – you guys make it all worth it! I hope I have given you as much pleasure as I got from you being on stage.

Peace and Metal Forever,


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