SCHIZO: Bassist verlässt Band

Bassist Alberto Penzin hat SCHIZO verlassen. In einem Kommentar schrieb er, er fühle sich mit der Band nicht mehr verbuden. Das Statement im Originalwortlaut:

Bassist Alberto Penzin hat SCHIZO verlassen. In einem Kommentar schrieb er, er fühle sich mit der Band nicht mehr verbuden. Das Statement im Originalwortlaut:

I´ve been thinking a lot about what I´m going to say but I finally came to the very sad conlusion that I need to step out of the band. I´m very proud of all we have slowly accomplished in over two decades of activity but nowadays I don´t feel for Schizo the same type of emotional involvement I felt when we released Total Schizophrenia and, specially, Main Frame Collapse. I need to rediscover my roots, both musically and in a more personal way. My feelings are still close to that moment in time, and I just want to follow that vibe, which is not possible with the group´s current incarnation. No regrets or any kind of dispute with the other members of the band. I just prefer to leave. And soon you will see me, along with my true friend and partner in crime S.B. Reder and Necrodeath´s drummer Peso, coming back with my former project MONDOCANE.  But that’s another story…

Last but not least, I would really like to thank all of the fans and friends that supported me and keep on supporting our music. See you soon then, just on different shores. As someone says: that which does not kill us makes us stronger…
Alberto P.

I respect Alberto´s decision in the strongest way. Friendship is way more important than music itself. And I will proudly go on making music with Schizo in the best way I can. And in the same way I will put all of myself in Mondocane…
S.B. Reder

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