WATCHTOWER: Arbeiten gerade an neuen Songs

Folgendes hat Jason McMaster auf der Watchtowerpage verkündet: "NEW MATERIAL !!!! Since the reunion shows, the Germany show, and the warm ups, as well as the two Dream Theater shows we did, it´s been nothing but write songs for a new release. After all these years, here we are working on a new WatchTower CD. I would say about half of the CD is written. Doug is writing the lyrics as we speak…ssshhhhhh! do not disturb him, for I am the one who has to sing these words!" Wenn das mal keine guten Nachrichten sind!

Folgendes hat Jason McMaster auf der Watchtowerpage verkündet:

Since the reunion shows, the Germany show, and the warm ups, as well as the two Dream Theater shows we did, it´s been nothing but write songs for a new release. After all these years, here we are working on a new WatchTower CD. I would say about half of the CD is written. Doug is writing the lyrics as we speak…ssshhhhhh! do not disturb him, for I am the one who has to sing these words!

Wenn das mal keine guten Nachrichten sind!

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