RAIN FELL WITHIN haben sich aufgrund nicht ausräumbarer Differenzen innerhalb der Band aufgelöst! Hier das offizielle Statement der Band:
„We are sorry to inform you that due to irreconcilable differences, Rain
Fell Within has disbanded. Though there are mixed feelings about this
decision, we are unable to continue to work together. Inquirers may still
contact any of the former members at band@rainfellwithin.com. However, no
further comments will be made on this issue. There are plans to create
several music projects involving one or multiple former members of Rain Fell
Within. Information on these projects will be posted on this web site.
Currently, the only announced project is the Dawn Desiree‘ recordings. More
information can be found on our Links page“
„We would like to give a final thank you to all of the fans, friends,
families, former members, bands, record labels, distributors, magazines,
online zines, radio stations, online radio stations, clubs, concert
promoters, studio producers and engineers, inquirers, and individuals that
have supported and worked with us over the years. Thank you all!“
Rain Fell Within (R.I.P.) October 1996 – August 2002