
MOURNING BELOVETH: Video zu ´Theories Of Old Bones´ online

Die irische Doom-Death-Band MOURNING BELOVETH hat ihr erstes offizielles Video veröffentlicht. Eher unüblich für Musikclips hat der Song "Theories Of Old Bones" vom starken aktuellen Album "Formless" eine Spielzeit von 16 Minuten. Anschauen kann man ihn sich bei YouTube, im Anhang gibt es ein Statemant von Frontmann Darren Moore. MOURNING BELOVETH: Video zu "Theories Of Old Bones" bei YouTube 

Die irische Doom-Death-Band MOURNING BELOVETH hat ihr erstes offizielles Video veröffentlicht. Eher unüblich für Musikclips hat der Song Theories Of Old Bones vom starken aktuellen Album Formless eine Spielzeit von 16 Minuten. Anschauen kann man ihn sich bei YouTube.

MOURNING BELOVETH: Video zu Theories Of Old Bones bei YouTube

It wasn´t going to be an easy task to shoot a video for one of our songs, in the main due to their length. The story was already there in the lyrics of the song, it was a matter of putting visuals to it. The lyrics ask questions on our existence, are we just here to pass time or to use it, is it a more heavy existence we go through each day counting the days to our death or is there a purpose to all this… or do we have a choice? I read somewhere about christians in the old days, who carried a pouch made of newborn lambskin around their necks to carry the nails for their coffin upon their death, and it struck a chord of how fatalistic some people are. The video itself is perhaps a journey through a half dream, a moment in the pit of existence, where life has drifted away to some far off point inside leaving the body to automatic ruin. It is about time slowly gnawing at the entrails and the shadow of a silent death forever lurking through the ether. – Darren Moore, MOURNING BELOVETH


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