MELECHESH: Proscriptor verlässt die Band

Die Mesampotamien-Death-Metaller MELECHESH und Schlagzeuger Proscriptor gehen in Zukunft getrennte Wege. Der Split verlief in Freundschaft, letztendlich war die große örtliche Distanz zwischen Band und Proscriptor ausschlagebend.

Die Mesampotamien-Death-Metaller MELECHESH und Schlagzeuger Proscriptor gehen in Zukunft getrennte Wege. Der Split verlief in Freundschaft, letztendlich war die große örtliche Distanz zwischen Band und Proscriptor ausschlagebend.

Ashmedi zur Trennung: “We have nothing but high regards for Proscriptor. He is one of the very few true artists that I know of, a dear friend and we appreciate his talent. But this cross Atlantic distance was becoming quite impractical and limited the creative inputs of both of us. I feel confident that we will cooperate musically again in one way or another, but it was simply impossible to do so for the upcoming Melechesh album. Should time permit though, Proscriptor may provide guest vocals on the upcoming (4th) Melechesh album. One thing is for sure: he certainly deserves the medal of honor”

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