
SWEVEN: Neues Album “The Eternal Resonance” von MORBUS CHRON Songwriter

Mit “The Eternal Resonance” wird in einigen Wochen das neue Album der Death Metal-Band SWEVEN erscheinen. Es ist das erste Album der Schweden rund um Sänger und Gitarrist Robert Andersson (Ex-MORBUS CHRON). Ihm zur Seite stehen Gitarrist Isak Koskinen Rosemarin und Drummer Jesper Nyrelius

Die Nähe zu MORBUS CHRON ist auch durch den Bandnamen bezeichnend. “”Sweven” was a record you shaped like any other, but it also ended up shaping me and my goals with music. It came to mean a lot of things personally. So when the time was ripe to form a new band and continue the journey, there were no other names even considered”, erklärt Robert Andersson.

“The Eternal Resonance” wurde von Magnus Lindberg (CULT OF LUNA) gemastert. Das Cover-Artwork wurde von Raul Gonzalez gestaltet, der früher ebenso eng mit MORBUS CHRON zusammengearbeitet hatte.

Zum Album an sich meint Robert Andersson: “To me it´s an old album by now, one which I´ve lived with for a long time. Like with most endeavours that you care deeply about, they tend to take longer than planned, and this was one of the more extreme cases. As I prepared to once again leap headfirst into a never-ending cycle of anger and frustration, I knew it had to stop. All things considered, I´m proud of this album. The songs mean the world to me. It is at this point the closest I´ve come to realising what I want to do musically.”

Das Debütalbum von SWEVEN wird am 20. März 2020 via Ván Records erscheinen.

SWEVEN “The Eternal Resonance” Tracklist

blank1. The Spark (3:07)
2. By Virtue Of A Promise (9:21)
3. Reduced To An Ember (7:30)
4. The Sole Importance (8:03)
5. Mycelia (7:37)
6. Solemn Retreat (9:43)
7. Visceral Blight (6:35)
8. Sanctum Sanctorum (8:34)

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