
RIFFTERA: Lyric-Video vom “Across the Acheron” Album

Die Melodic Death / Thrash Metal-Band RIFFTERA hat mit “Cutthroat Game” ein weiteres Lyric-Video zu ihrem kommenden Album “Across the Acheron” veröffentlicht. Das nach “Pitch Black” (2015) zweite Album der Finnen wird am 18. Januar 2019 via Inverse Records erscheinen.

Mussten RIFFTERA auf “Pitch Black” noch auf einen Session-Drummer zurückgreifen, kommt beim neuen Album der neue Schlagzeuger Ville Härkönen zum Einsatz. “Across the Acheron” wurde von RIFFTERA-Gitarrist und -Growler Janne Hietala produziert. Das Cover-Artwork stammt von Petri Lampela.

RIFFTERA “Across the Acheron” Tracklist:

1. Burning Paradise
2. Two Sides of the Story
3. Eye of the Storm (Lyric-Video bei YouTube)
4. Cutthroat Game (Lyric-Video bei YouTube)
5. Cry Wolf
6. Warmonger
7. Deep Waters
8. Across the Acheron

Janne Hietala (RIFFTERA) zum Album:

“It took a lot longer than expected, but now “Across the Acheron” is finally ready to be released. The aim was basically to take steps forward from our debut in every aspect and we are really happy with the result. In my honest and not at all biased opinion I think that clear improvement was achieved musically, lyrically and production-wise.

When it comes to comparing the music between “Across the Acheron” and “Pitch Black”, I would say that our expression has reached new levels on both ends of the spectrum; some parts on the new album are more brutal than anything that what we had on “Pitch Black” and then again some songs are more straight forward and melodic than before. Overall it could be described that the building blocks are the same but writing and performing skills have evolved.”

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