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40 GRIT: haben sich aufgelöst

40 GRIT haben sich aus dem Musikbusiness, welches sie "krank" macht, nach sieben Jahren verabschiedet.
Folgendes Statement hat die Band verlauten lassen:

"Hey all,

This is a day that I was hoping would never come. Last week we have decided that 40 Grit will no longer be a band. It's been a very fun and cool road we have been on. 40 Grit has been doing this for 7 years and to be honest we have little to show for it except for our fans and memories. We want to thank all the fans that have been with us since the beginning and all the new fans we have made over the years. The music biz has taking a toll on all of us in the band and it makes us sick to our stomach. There is so many bands with so much talent out there that will go without notice because of the way this industry is. Well, thanks for all the support.

Thanks 40 Grit
Chris, James Andy & Ryan "
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