SOILWORK: Ola Frenning verlässt die Band

SOILWORK-Gitarrist Ola Frenning hat die Band verlassen. Die anstehenden Livedates sind jedoch nicht in Gefahr, da David Andersson die Shows spielen wird. Das offizielle Statement von Ola findet ihr im Anschluss:

SOILWORK-Gitarrist Ola Frenning hat die Band verlassen. Die anstehenden Livedates sind jedoch nicht in Gefahr, da David Andersson die Shows spielen wird.

Statement von Ola Frenning:
After 10 years, 7 albums and several world wide tours, we´ve realised that we have developed in different directions and have a different set of values, profession wise. The disagreements have reached their peak and it has become an untenable situation. The band´s solution is that I part ways with them so that I won´t be in the way for the future plans of SOILWORK. However, since I´m not gonna be on the road (at least for a while), I will now be able to continue with my songwriting and producing at another level. For further information, visit The page will be updated in the near future. Cheers to ya all… And thanks for making these 10 years with the band memorable.

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